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“Wellness is a way life, not a passing fad. It is a lifestyle, a mindset and a process.”

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“Wellness is a way life, not a passing fad. It is a lifestyle, a mindset and a process.” Empty “Wellness is a way life, not a passing fad. It is a lifestyle, a mindset and a process.”

Post  Admin Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:42 am

Lia Bernardo
The Philippine Daily Inquirer
Oct. 5, 2008

“Wellness is a way life, not a passing fad. It is a lifestyle, a mindset and a process.”

Here are six ways to achieve it:

1. QUIET time is essential and meditation is the purest form of prayer.

Spending time in silence is the best way to relieve stress and take stock of what is happening in your life. There is no prescribed amount of time but start off with two to three minutes of absolute silence and then gradually add on.

Listen to your body and your intuition. In silence your insights are inspired. This is your time. You time of comfort, your time of peace, your time with yourself. Nothing for you to do just be in silence. You will be rewarded with an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility.

A state of meditation is what happens during your quiet time. As you prolong the quiet time you enter into a true communion with your higher being and with God. Meditation is the time for listening. It is the purest form of prayer because it is your time to listen and just be.

There are many meditation techniques and there are three that I use regularly: the first is the “lexio divina,” taught to me by Sr. Bernadette Eugine, r.a. Of the Assumption. One meditates on the word of God. The easiest way to do this is to get the reading of the day. Then underline or encircle words or phrases that strike you. Do this without thinking;
they can strike you for no apparent reason. Then in your silence, meditate on what the words are trying to tell you. You will in get your message or guidance and even affirmation. The second is Chakra clearing meditation from Doreen Virtue, a well known author of books on Angels. Chakras are your energy centers. I practice a guided meditation in the morning and in the evening on occasion using this CD.

The third technique is called Raja Yoga meditation. Classes for this open-eyed meditation are being offered at the Brahma Kumaris Center in Makati. There are other meditation techniques. Some use breath awareness, others music and most meditate in absolute silence. There is no right or wrong way. The important thing to remember is that this is your time with God. Take a class or two to find what technique works for you.

2. Food is not for comfort and you don't have to medicate for every little thing.

Food is for nutrition; it can even heal but comfort foods such as cake and ice cream or being on pizza and pasta will not make you happier. Food can affect your moods. What you put into your body is essentially determining how your body will function.

Most people take a pill for the smallest discomfort. Know your body and your body will communicate with you. Pains and discomfort are signs that you need to pay attention to certain aspects of your wellbeing. A chronic sore throat may indicate that you may be restraining yourself from speaking your truth or expressing yourself. A chronic headache may mean you are overstressed or your are over analyzing something.

So before you raid the fridge and go for the medicine cabinet , make sure that you first determine the cause of your pains. Then solve it or confront your issues. And then again sometimes it means letting go and surrendering the issues to God so that you can move on. Only you will be able to determine the right course of action and you will find this in your times of silence and in meditative prayer.

3. You are what you think, do and say.

Watch what you think, do and say. The law of attraction is one of the most powerful laws of the universe. You become what you think, do and say. This is why some people are luckier than others. If you are the type of person who is constantly finding yourself in the longest line or with the most inept salesperson in the store, chances are you are sending out negative energy. If you think, do and speak in a positive light, you will in fact attract the positive. It is a law of the universe, you can’t change it, so use it.

If you think all people are flawed, guess what, you will only encounter flawed people. If you keep thinking you will get sick then you might get sick, chances are you will find yourself in front of a doctor very soon. The list goes on.

Practice gratitude; it is so much easier to be grateful than to put down something. If you are stuck in traffic, use it as an opportunity to return missed calls on your cell phone (using earphones of course ) or to simply appreciate the music on your Ipod. Don’t allow yourself to get angry. Find a solution and be grateful for it.

4. You are responsible for your own happiness.

Peace and happiness are your natural state of being, but they get affected by our daily lives and interactions. I’ve learned the hard way that you can never control the way other people think and behave. But you can most definitely control your reactions, and who you want to become based on the certain situations that you confront.

Happiness comes from within; it cannot be determined by someone else. Phrases like “If only I can get my ex back, and then I’ll be happy” will certainly prove wrong. However if you can tell your partner in all sincerity, “I’m okay being with myself yet I choose to be with you,” chances of a much healthier and more loving relationship will follow.

When making decisions, ask yourself one or two questions: Is this who I want to become?” You will be surprised as to what this reveals to you.

Make the decision to be happy and the rest will come to you.

5. Forgiveness, surrendering and letting go are the most difficult, but most important aspects of attaining peace.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2008-10-23

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